The Advantages Of Ayurveda In Kerala

Ashtangahridayam, the authorized user friendly voracious text of Ayurveda, compiled by the Vagbhatananta is seldom used anywhere in the world as it is vastly done in Kerala. The Vaidyas of Kerala are extra talented in this most ancient treatise of Ayurveda which many scholars prefer an innovation over the prior samhitas of Charaka and Sushruta, the originators of Ayurveda.

It is in Kerala that Kashaya Chikitsa (treatment with concoction) has come to be as a ranked protocol including hundreds of Kashayams that were scientifically categorized and organized in accordance with several treatment needs. Keralite Vaidyas were the first to concentrate on the anti oxidant properties of Abhyangam leading to the profusion of Kizhis.

The vast volume of Ayurveda colleges and the largest number of practitioners in comparison to any region in the world has led to a tradition of Ayurveda research in a scientific and ideal manner in Kerala.

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